Question about ACI

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ldap:///self allows user1 to modify it's own entry, not it's own entry
plus subentries, so that aci does not allow you to create subentries
like that.
I don't really recommend allowing all users to be able to create entries
like this - they can literally create anything (other users, groups,
etc) that may have undesirable effects (security loopholes, duplicate
email addresses, etc).  Do you really need to allow this?
If you really realy do want to do this, you probably will have to create
an aci on each users entry allowing access by that userdn (something
like like your previous aci on the user but with write access to allow
what you want (but again, I really don't think what you want to do is a
good idea).
If user1 is the only user you want to do this (i.e. user1 is an admin),
I would recommend the following:
- Create an ldap group (groupofnames/groupofuniquenames) somewhere
outside of the ou=serviceaccounts branch.
- put an aci on ou=serviceaccounts that allows all access to the
ou=serviceaccounts branch (actually, it would be best if it allowed all
access to uid=*,ou=serviceaccounts,... to avoid members of that group
editing the actual ou=serviceaccounts entry and changing the aci, for
example) if they are a member of that admin group (actually, you should
set targetattr to something like !="aci" and maybe other attributes, so
members of this group can't redefne aci's within that subtree).
- add user1 to that group to make it admin.
This is assuming you want a subset of users to be able to create
entries, rather than every user.  If you must allow all users to create
entries, you should still make targetattr!="aci" at least, so that users
can't set random access controls of the stuff they create.
One final word - use the error log - it will often tell you more about
why something fails when it fails.
 - Jeff

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From: fedora-directory-users-bounces at
[mailto:fedora-directory-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Chun Tat
David Chu
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2007 4:53 PM
To: General discussion list for the Fedora Directory server project.
Subject: Re: Question about ACI

Thanks for your response Jeff.

I tried with your suggestion and did the following to my LDIF file.  I
use the ldapmodify command and logged in as "cn=Directory Manager" to
perform these add operations.
dn: ou=serviceaccounts,dc=test,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: organizationalunit
 (targetattr = "*")
 (version 3.0;
 acl "general user access"; 
 allow (all)

dn: cn=user1,ou=serviceaccounts,dc=test,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
sn: user1
userPassword: testing123 
description: This is a test

Now when I use the ldapmodify and logged in as "cn=user1", to perform
the below operation, it failed and gave me an insufficient access (50)
error.   Any idea?  I think I'm stuck again.  :-( 
dn: cn=testing123,cn=user1,ou=serviceaccounts,dc=test,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: room



On Dec 10, 2007 3:44 PM, Clowser, Jeff (Contractor) <
jeff_clowser at> wrote:

	> I think you cleared everything for me.  I did misunderstood
	concept of "ldap:///self";, and
	> I agree with you that deny rules should be avoided.
	>ldap:///self refers to the owner of the entry which is the
creator of 
	the entry.  Am I correct on this?
	No.  ldap:///self means the aci applies to the entry you bind to
	server as.  For example, if you create a rule on
ou=serviceaccounts that
	says ldap:///self can change the attribute "userpassword", any
	under ou=serviceaccounts can change their own password (i.e. if
I bind
	as uid=user1,ou=serviceaccounts, I can write to the userpassword
	attribute of user1, and no one elses.  If I bind as user2, I can
	to user2's userpassword attribute, but no one elses).  Creator
of the 
	entry has nothing to do with it.  Technically, "owner" is yet
	else (if an entry has an owner attribute, that typically will
	dn's of "owners" of the entry that can manipulate it in some
way, but 
	that's not automatic - you'd have to create aci's to define that
	relationship.  LDAP does not otherwise/by default have "owners"
	entries - Creator != Owner).

	> After I specified the userdn as
	cn=user1,ou=serviceaccounts,dc=test,dc=example,dc=com in my ACI,
	> everything is now working as expected.  user1 doesn't have the
	to write/add/replace the entry. 
	>Below is my new LDIF
	>dn: ou=serviceaccounts,dc=test,dc=example,dc=com
	> changetype: add
	> objectclass: top
	> objectclass: organizationalunit
	>dn: cn=user1,ou=serviceaccounts,dc=test,dc=example,dc=com 
	> changetype: add
	> objectclass: top
	> objectclass: person
	> sn: user1
	> userPassword: testing123
	> description: This is a test
	> aci:
	>  (targetattr = "*")
	>  (version 3.0;
	>  acl "user1";
	>  allow (read, search, compare)
	>  ");)
	By doing it this way, you are allowing user1 to see it's own
	and nothing more - this aci does not allow other users to see
user1, and
	does not allow user1 to see other users.  Not unreasonable in
and of
	itself, but if you create many users where you want identical
	it's very inefficient - you'll have way to many aci's in the
	and maintenance is more difficult.
	If you want all users to have these same rights, a better way is
to put
	an aci like the following on the ou=serviceaccounts entry (and
leave the 
	aci off the user):

	 (targetattr = "*")
	 (version 3.0;
	 acl "user access";
	 allow (read, search, compare)
	This will allow any user under that branch of the tree that
binds to the
	directory to read/search/compare  their own entry, in it's
	without granting them access to anything else, nor granting any
	user to see their entry. (I'd still recommend that you restrict
	attribute list further, at least to targetattr!="userpassword" -
	usually no need for users to see their password hash, and
letting that 
	be transmitted over the network so freely is a bit of a security
	(Note: if you already have aci's in your tree above this,
including the
	default aci's that come with the dir server, you may have other
	granted that is added to this).
	 - Jeff

	On Dec 10, 2007 12:48 PM, Clowser, Jeff (Contractor) <
	jeff_clowser at <mailto:jeff_clowser at> >
	       Couple things here.  First, avoid deny rules if at all
	- deny rules always take precedence, so you can *never* override
a deny
	rule with something to allow access that has been denied
	       Second, I think you are misunderstanding how ldap:///self
	ldap:///self basically says "These permissions are granted on
	targetted entry if I bind to the server as that target entry".
In your
	case, what your deny rule is saying is that if I bind as user1,
I can't 
	read, write, or even search for the user1 entry, and as a deny
rule, you
	can't create any other rule to ever allow user1 to see his own
	       So, you've created a rule that says anyone can
	to anything under ou=serviceaccounts, *except* user1 can't
	read/write/search on his own entry.
	       BTW, this seems like a really bad idea.  Forget about
ACI's and
	implementation for the moment - conceptually, what are you
trying to do? 
	Who should be able to do what?  Are you saying you want anyone
	user1 to be able to have full access to anything under
	       To define your access controls, you should really figure
out who 
	you want to do what, then define aci's for each thing you want
to allow,
	such that they only *allow* just what you need, so you don't
need any
	kind of deny rules.
	       If you want to, for example, allow any user to edit any
part of 
	just their own record, put something like the following on the
	ou=serviceaccounts entry:
	        (targetattr = "*")
	        (version 3.0;
	        acl "default aci for service accounts"; 
	        allow (all)
	       This says that if I bind as a user under
ou=serviceaccounts, I
	have full read/write/search access to the entry I bound as (i.e
. my
	       However, I'd recommend making even that more restrictive
	example, if all they really need to write to is their password,
	one aci to allow them to read/search all attributes except the 
	userpassword, and one to allow write to the userpassword with
userdn of
	ldap:///self), etc.  If you want all users to read other users
	create another aci that allows search/read access to
ldap:///anyone (and 
	at least make it targetattr!="userpassword"), and so on..
	        - Jeff
	       From: fedora-directory-users-bounces at 
	[mailto:fedora-directory-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of
Chun Tat
	David Chu
	       Sent: Monday, December 10, 2007 11:37 AM
	       To: fedora-directory-users at
	       Subject: Re: Question about ACI
	       Hi guys,
	       Please see below for my original question. 
	       I spend a little more time reading "Chapter 6 - Managing
	Control" from the RH Administrator Guide.  At first, I thought
it was my
	placement of ACI that was wrong, but it seems like that's not
the case 
	from what I read.  The book stated that "The precedence rule
	applies is that ACIs that deny access take precedence over ACIs
	allow access."  If my root allows everything and then my leaf
	everything then I don't see why the add operation that I
mentioned below
	should work.
	       Let me clear up a little more in case there's any
	The ou=serviceaccounts and cn=user1 entry is created by the 
	"cn=Directory Manager" user.  In my test, the root
	I specified an ACI that allows all user to do anything.  In my
	(cn=user1), I specified an ACI that denies everything for user1
	defining the bind rule as (ldap:///self).
	       When I logged in as user1, I'm able to add entry in the
	context.  I am not sure why because I thought that user1
shouldn't have
	any privilege to do anything due to my specified ACI. 
	       Any idea?  Am I missing some obvious?
	       On Dec 7, 2007 6:28 PM, Chun Tat David Chu
	< at > wrote:
	               Hi guys,
	               I am trying to create an organizational unit and
an user
	with ACI, but it looks like my ACI is not defined correctly.
	               Below is my ldif. 
	               dn: ou=serviceaccounts,dc=test,dc=example,dc=com
	               changetype: add
	               objectclass: top
	               objectclass: organizationalunit
	                (targetattr = "*")
	                (version 3.0;
	                acl "default aci for service accounts";
	                allow (all)
	               changetype: add
	               objectclass: top
	               objectclass: person
	               sn: user1
	               userPassword: testing123
	               description: This is a test
	                (targetattr = "*")
	                (version 3.0 ;
	                acl "user1";
	                deny (all)
	               I create an organizational unit that allows all
users to 
	modify it, then I create user1 that denies everything.
	               I then use the below LDIF to perform a LDAP add
	               changetype: add
	               objectclass: top
	               objectclass: room
	               I use this ldapmodify command to perform the add
	               ldapmodify -h hostname -p 1389 -D 
	"cn=user1,ou=serviceaccounts,dc=test,dc=example,dc=com" -w
testing123 -f
	my_test.ldif -x
	               The add operation succeeded unexpectedly.  The
	that I'm looking for should be not enough privilege to perform
	               Anyone knows what's wrong with my ACI setup?
	       Fedora-directory-users mailing list 
	       Fedora-directory-users at 
	Fedora-directory-users mailing list
	Fedora-directory-users at

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