Chain on Update Problem

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Nathan Kinder wrote:
> Try using a different bind DN for chaining than your "cn=Replication 
> Manger, cn=config" user.  It could be that replication is getting 
> confused when chaining updates are being performed by that user since 
> it will assume that updates by that user were sent via a replication 
> agreement.  I would create a chaining specific user such as 
> "cn=Chaining Manager, cn=config" and configure chaining to use that user.
I don't think that's the problem.  Chain on Update is supposed to work 
with the repl manager DN - in fact it's much easier that way since that 
user already exists on all of the replicas.
> -NGK
> James B Newby wrote:
>> Example 1:
>> Adding an entry to the consumer:
>> [root at ldap1 bin]# ./ldapmodify -a -D cn=Manager -w - -h localhost -p 
>> 1389
>> Enter bind password:
>> dn: uid=sbody,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>> objectClass: hgperson
>> telephonenumber: 555-555-5555
>> sn: Body
>> cn: Some Body
>> givenName: Some
>> mail: sbody at
>> uid: sbody
>> adding new entry uid=sbody,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>> [root at ldap1 bin]#
>> Searching for entry on consumer:
>> [root at ldap1 bin]# ./ldapsearch -b dc=hg,dc=com -D cn=Manager -w - -h 
>> localhost -p 1389 uid=sbody nscpEntryWsi nsUniqueID
>> Enter bind password:
>> version: 1
>> dn: uid=sbody,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>> nscpEntryWsi: dn: uid=sbody,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass: hgperson
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass: inetOrgPerson
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass: organizationalPerson
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass: person
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass: top
>> nscpEntryWsi: telephoneNumber: 555-555-5555
>> nscpEntryWsi: sn: Body
>> nscpEntryWsi: cn: Some Body
>> nscpEntryWsi: givenName: Some
>> nscpEntryWsi: mail: sbody at
>> nscpEntryWsi: uid: sbody
>> nscpEntryWsi: creatorsName: cn=manager
>> nscpEntryWsi: modifiersName: cn=manager
>> nscpEntryWsi: createTimestamp: 20060905232428Z
>> nscpEntryWsi: modifyTimestamp: 20060905232428Z
>> nscpEntryWsi: nsUniqueId: 8e72a281-1dd211b2-8091a7e3-5afe0000
>> nscpEntryWsi: parentid: 11
>> nscpEntryWsi: entryid: 19720
>> nscpEntryWsi: entrydn: uid=sbody,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>> nsUniqueID: 8e72a281-1dd211b2-8091a7e3-5afe0000
So the entry is being added to the consumer.  The consumer must not have 
been configured properly to be a replication consumer for this suffix.  
If if were, and if it had been initialized from a master, you would not 
be able to do this.
>> [root at ldap1 bin]#
>> Search for entry on Master 1:
>> [root at ldap1-mw1 bin]# ./ldapsearch -b dc=hg,dc=com -D cn=Manager -w - 
>> -h localhost -p 1389 uid=sbody nscpEntryWsi nsUniqueID
>> Enter bind password:
>> [root at ldap1-mw1 bin]#
>> Search for entry on Master 2:
>> [root at ldap2-mw1 bin]# ./ldapsearch -b dc=hg,dc=com -D cn=Manager -w - 
>> -h localhost -p 1389 uid=sbody nscpEntryWsi nsUniqueID
>> Enter bind password:
>> [root at ldap2-mw1 bin]#
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Example 2:
>> Create an entry on Master 1:
>> [root at ldap1-mw1 bin]# ./ldapmodify -a -D cn=Manager -w - -h localhost 
>> -p 1389
>> Enter bind password:
>> dn: uid=semployee,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>> telephoneNumber: 800-555-5555
>> userPassword: <PASSWORD_ERASED>
>> cn: Some Employee
>> sn: Employee
>> objectClass: hgperson
>> givenName: Some
>> uid: semployee
>> mail: semployee at
>> adding new entry uid=semployee,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>> [root at ldap1-mw1 bin]#
>> Search for entry on Master 1:
>> [root at ldap1-mw1 bin]# ./ldapsearch -b dc=hg,dc=com -D cn=Manager -w - 
>> -h localhost -p 1389 uid=semployee nscpEntryWsi nsUniqueID
>> Enter bind password:
>> version: 1
>> dn: uid=semployee,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>> nscpEntryWsi: dn: uid=semployee,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>> nscpEntryWsi: telephoneNumber;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: 800-555-5555
>> nscpEntryWsi: cn;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: Some Employee
>> nscpEntryWsi: sn;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: Employee
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: hgperson
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: inetOrgPerson
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: 
>> organizationalPerson
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: person
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: top
>> nscpEntryWsi: givenName;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: Some
>> nscpEntryWsi: 
>> uid;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000;mdcsn-44fe0619000000010000: sempl
>> oyee
>> nscpEntryWsi: mail;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: semployee at
>> nscpEntryWsi: userPassword;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: 
>> nscpEntryWsi: creatorsName;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: cn=manager
>> nscpEntryWsi: modifiersName;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: cn=manager
>> nscpEntryWsi: createTimestamp;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: 
>> 20060905231943Z
>> nscpEntryWsi: modifyTimestamp;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: 
>> 20060905231943Z
>> nscpEntryWsi: nsUniqueId: fd033081-1dd111b2-80cef01a-e8560000
>> nscpEntryWsi: parentid: 11
>> nscpEntryWsi: entryid: 19718
>> nscpEntryWsi: entrydn: uid=semployee,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>> nsUniqueID: fd033081-1dd111b2-80cef01a-e8560000
>> [root at ldap1-mw1 bin]#
>> Search for Entry on Master 2:
>> [root at ldap2-mw1 bin]# ./ldapsearch -b dc=hg,dc=com -D cn=Manager -w - 
>> -h localhost -p 1389 uid=semployee nscpEntryWsi nsUniqueID
>> Enter bind password:
>> version: 1
>> dn: uid=semployee,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>> nscpEntryWsi: dn: uid=semployee,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>> nscpEntryWsi: telephoneNumber;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: 800-555-5555
>> nscpEntryWsi: cn;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: Some Employee
>> nscpEntryWsi: sn;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: Employee
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: hgperson
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: inetOrgPerson
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: 
>> organizationalPerson
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: person
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: top
>> nscpEntryWsi: givenName;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: Some
>> nscpEntryWsi: 
>> uid;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000;mdcsn-44fe0619000000010000: sempl
>> oyee
>> nscpEntryWsi: mail;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: semployee at
>> nscpEntryWsi: userPassword;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: 
>> nscpEntryWsi: creatorsName;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: cn=manager
>> nscpEntryWsi: modifiersName;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: cn=manager
>> nscpEntryWsi: createTimestamp;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: 
>> 20060905231943Z
>> nscpEntryWsi: modifyTimestamp;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: 
>> 20060905231943Z
>> nscpEntryWsi: nsUniqueId: fd033081-1dd111b2-80cef01a-e8560000
>> nscpEntryWsi: parentid: 11
>> nscpEntryWsi: entryid: 19718
>> nscpEntryWsi: entrydn: uid=semployee,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>> nsUniqueID: fd033081-1dd111b2-80cef01a-e8560000
>> [root at ldap2-mw1 bin]#
>> Search for entry on consumer:
>> [root at ldap1 bin]# ./ldapsearch -b dc=hg,dc=com -D cn=Manager -w - -h 
>> localhost -p 1389 uid=semployee nscpEntryWsi nsUniqueID
>> Enter bind password:
>> version: 1
>> dn: uid=semployee,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>> nscpEntryWsi: dn: uid=semployee,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>> nscpEntryWsi: telephoneNumber;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: 800-555-5555
>> nscpEntryWsi: cn;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: Some Employee
>> nscpEntryWsi: sn;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: Employee
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: hgperson
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: inetOrgPerson
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: 
>> organizationalPerson
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: person
>> nscpEntryWsi: objectClass;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: top
>> nscpEntryWsi: givenName;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: Some
>> nscpEntryWsi: 
>> uid;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000;mdcsn-44fe0619000000010000: sempl
>> oyee
>> nscpEntryWsi: mail;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: semployee at
>> nscpEntryWsi: userPassword;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: 
>> nscpEntryWsi: creatorsName;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: cn=manager
>> nscpEntryWsi: modifiersName;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: cn=manager
>> nscpEntryWsi: createTimestamp;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: 
>> 20060905231943Z
>> nscpEntryWsi: modifyTimestamp;vucsn-44fe0619000000010000: 
>> 20060905231943Z
>> nscpEntryWsi: nsUniqueId: fd033081-1dd111b2-80cef01a-e8560000
>> nscpEntryWsi: parentid: 11
>> nscpEntryWsi: entryid: 19719
>> nscpEntryWsi: entrydn: uid=semployee,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>> nsUniqueID: fd033081-1dd111b2-80cef01a-e8560000
>> [root at ldap1 bin]#
>> Richard Megginson wrote:
>>> James B Newby wrote:
>>>> Yes, it is a read-only consumer, set up as per instructions in the 
>>>> administration guide.
>>>> My multi-master replication scheme works fine.  When chaining is 
>>>> not set up, write operations to the read-only consumer fail.  When 
>>>> chaining is set up, writes can be made to the read-only consumer 
>>>> but they do not propagate to the master.
>>> But the entry is successfully added and can be successfully 
>>> searched.  So it must exist on a master somewhere?  Try this - do a 
>>> search for the entry after adding it - in addition to the usual 
>>> attributes, request the replication state information - ask for the 
>>> attribute nscpEntryWsi, and also the nsUniqueID attribute.  With 
>>> this information, we can determine on which master (replica ID) the 
>>> entry was added on and at what time.
>>>> Are there any other queries I should make to the server in order to 
>>>> give you more information?
>>>> Richard Megginson wrote:
>>>>> James B Newby wrote:
>>>>>> Yes.  I can add or modify entries on the consumer with update 
>>>>>> chaining set up, but those changes do not propagate to the 
>>>>>> master.  If I search on the master for the entry created on the 
>>>>>> consumer :
>>>>>> [root at ldap1-mw1 bin]$ ./ldapsearch -b dc=hg,dc=com -D cn=Manager 
>>>>>> -w - -h localhost -p 1389 uid=nbody
>>>>>> Enter bind password:
>>>>>> [root at ldap1-mw1 bin]$
>>>>>> It's not there.  As I said in an earlier message, I've followed 
>>>>>> the instructions in the Chain on Update HOWTO, but I can't get it 
>>>>>> to work.  I've reviewed the Administrator Guide as well as 
>>>>>> searching the Internet for an answer but no luck.
>>>>> So, is this is a read only consumer?  If so, you should not be 
>>>>> able to write to it.  That's what is confusing me.  If this is a 
>>>>> read-only consumer, you should get an err=10 back from a write 
>>>>> operation if chaining is not set up.
>>>>>> Richard Megginson wrote:
>>>>>>> James B Newby wrote:
>>>>>>>> Well actually the entry was already there; I just made a small 
>>>>>>>> change to one of the attributes on the consumer through the 
>>>>>>>> directory console.
>>>>>>>> I added a new entry on the consumer from the command line:
>>>>>>>> [root at ldap1 bin]# ./ldapmodify -a -D cn=Manager -w - -h 
>>>>>>>> localhost -p 1389
>>>>>>>> Enter bind password:
>>>>>>>> dn: uid=nbody,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>>>>>>>> telephoneNumber: 800-555-5555
>>>>>>>> userPassword: <erased>
>>>>>>>> cn: No Body
>>>>>>>> sn: Body
>>>>>>>> objectClass: hgperson
>>>>>>>> objectClass: inetorgperson
>>>>>>>> objectClass: organizationalPerson
>>>>>>>> objectClass: person
>>>>>>>> objectClass: top
>>>>>>>> givenName: No
>>>>>>>> uid: nbody
>>>>>>>> mail: nbody at
>>>>>>>> adding new entry uid=nbody,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>>>>>>>> [root at ldap1 bin]#
>>>>>>>> Then I searched for that user on the consumer's command line:
>>>>>>>> [root at ldap1 bin]# ./ldapsearch -b "dc=hg,dc=com" -D cn=Manager 
>>>>>>>> -w - -h localhost -p 1389 uid=nbody
>>>>>>>> Enter bind password:
>>>>>>>> version: 1
>>>>>>>> dn: uid=nbody,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com
>>>>>>>> telephoneNumber: 800-555-5555
>>>>>>>> cn: No Body
>>>>>>>> sn: Body
>>>>>>>> objectClass: hgperson
>>>>>>>> objectClass: inetorgperson
>>>>>>>> objectClass: organizationalPerson
>>>>>>>> objectClass: person
>>>>>>>> objectClass: top
>>>>>>>> givenName: No
>>>>>>>> uid: nbody
>>>>>>>> mail: nbody at
>>>>>>>> userPassword: {SSHA}<erased>
>>>>>>>> [root at ldap1 bin]#
>>>>>>>> Here is what resulted in the access log of the consumer:
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:18:12 -0500] conn=4 fd=66 slot=66 connection 
>>>>>>>> from to
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:18:12 -0500] conn=4 op=0 BIND dn="cn=Manager" 
>>>>>>>> method=128 version=3
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:18:12 -0500] conn=4 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 
>>>>>>>> nentries=0 etime=0 dn="cn=manager"
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:18:18 -0500] conn=4 op=1 ADD 
>>>>>>>> dn="uid=nbody,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com"
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:18:18 -0500] conn=4 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=105 
>>>>>>>> nentries=0 etime=0
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:18:21 -0500] conn=4 op=3 UNBIND
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:18:21 -0500] conn=4 op=3 fd=66 closed - U1
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:18:47 -0500] conn=5 fd=66 slot=66 connection 
>>>>>>>> from to
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:18:47 -0500] conn=5 op=0 BIND dn="cn=Manager" 
>>>>>>>> method=128 version=3
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:18:47 -0500] conn=5 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 
>>>>>>>> nentries=0 etime=0 dn="cn=manager"
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:18:47 -0500] conn=5 op=1 SRCH 
>>>>>>>> base="dc=hg,dc=com" scope=2 filter="(uid=nbody)" attrs=ALL
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:18:47 -0500] conn=5 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101 
>>>>>>>> nentries=1 etime=0
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:18:47 -0500] conn=5 op=2 UNBIND
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:18:47 -0500] conn=5 op=2 fd=66 closed - U1
>>>>>>> So it appears to be working?
>>>>>>>> I then searched for that new entry in the Directory Console and 
>>>>>>>> the following log entries resulted:
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:19:58 -0500] conn=0 op=28 SRCH 
>>>>>>>> base="ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com" scope=1 
>>>>>>>> filter="(|(objectClass=*)(objectClass=ldapsubentry))" 
>>>>>>>> attrs="objectClass numSubordinates ref aci"
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:19:58 -0500] conn=0 op=28 SORT cn givenName o 
>>>>>>>> ou sn (196)
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:19:58 -0500] conn=0 op=28 RESULT err=0 tag=101 
>>>>>>>> nentries=196 etime=0 notes=U
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:20:04 -0500] conn=1 op=23 SRCH 
>>>>>>>> base="uid=nbody,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com" scope=0 
>>>>>>>> filter="(|(objectClass=*)(objectClass=ldapsubentry))" 
>>>>>>>> attrs="nsRole nsRoleDN objectClass nsAccountLock"
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:20:04 -0500] conn=1 op=23 RESULT err=0 tag=101 
>>>>>>>> nentries=1 etime=0
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:20:04 -0500] conn=1 op=24 SRCH base="" scope=0 
>>>>>>>> filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs="nsslapd-suffix nsBackendSuffix"
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:20:04 -0500] conn=1 op=24 RESULT err=0 tag=101 
>>>>>>>> nentries=1 etime=0
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:20:04 -0500] conn=0 op=30 SRCH base="cn=ldbm 
>>>>>>>> database, cn=plugins, cn=config" scope=2 
>>>>>>>> filter="(objectClass=nsBackendInstance)" attrs="nsslapd-suffix 
>>>>>>>> nsBackendSuffix"
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:20:04 -0500] conn=0 op=30 RESULT err=0 tag=101 
>>>>>>>> nentries=2 etime=0
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:20:04 -0500] conn=0 op=31 SRCH base="" scope=0 
>>>>>>>> filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs="nsBackendSuffix"
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:20:04 -0500] conn=0 op=31 RESULT err=0 tag=101 
>>>>>>>> nentries=1 etime=0
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:20:04 -0500] conn=0 op=32 SRCH base="cn=MCC 
>>>>>>>> uid=nbody ou=people o=thgg dc=hg dc=com, cn=chainbe1, cn=ldbm 
>>>>>>>> database, cn=plugins, cn=config" scope=0 
>>>>>>>> filter="(|(objectClass=*)(objectClass=ldapsubentry))" attrs="dn"
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:20:04 -0500] conn=0 op=32 RESULT err=32 tag=101 
>>>>>>>> nentries=0 etime=0
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:20:05 -0500] conn=1 op=26 SRCH 
>>>>>>>> base="uid=nbody,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com" scope=0 
>>>>>>>> filter="(|(objectClass=*)(objectClass=ldapsubentry))" 
>>>>>>>> attrs="numSubordinates nscpEntryDN subschemaSubentry 
>>>>>>>> nsYIMStatusGraphic modifiersName parentid nsICQStatusGraphic 
>>>>>>>> nsAIMStatusText passwordExpirationTime nsBackendSuffix 
>>>>>>>> hasSubordinates nsRole nsRoleDN accountUnlockTime 
>>>>>>>> passwordExpWarned nsYIMStatusText copiedFrom nsSizeLimit 
>>>>>>>> ldapSchemas nsAIMStatusGraphic dncomp nsTimeLimit 
>>>>>>>> passwordHistory retryCountResetTime passwordAllowChangeTime aci 
>>>>>>>> entryid nsIdleTimeout entrydn copyingFrom nsAccountLock 
>>>>>>>> nsds5ReplConflict modifyTimestamp passwordGraceUserTime 
>>>>>>>> passwordRetryCount nsUniqueId nsSchemaCSN creatorsName 
>>>>>>>> nsICQStatusText pwdpolicysubentry ldapSyntaxes createTimestamp 
>>>>>>>> nsLookThroughLimit *"
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:20:05 -0500] conn=1 op=26 RESULT err=0 tag=101 
>>>>>>>> nentries=1 etime=0
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:20:05 -0500] conn=1 op=27 SRCH 
>>>>>>>> base="uid=nbody,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com" scope=0 
>>>>>>>> filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs="*"
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:20:05 -0500] conn=1 op=27 RESULT err=0 tag=101 
>>>>>>>> nentries=1 etime=0
>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:18:20:05 -0500] conn=1 op=28 SRCH 
>>>>>>>> base="uid=nbody,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com" scope=0 
>>>>>>>> filter="(|(objectClass=*)(objectClass=ldapsubentry))" attrs=ALL
>>>>>>> This appears to be working also?
>>>>>>>> -James
>>>>>>>> Richard Megginson wrote:
>>>>>>>>> James B Newby wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I found the MOD line in the consumer's access log.  I saw no 
>>>>>>>>>> entry in the master's access log regarding that entry.  It 
>>>>>>>>>> seems as if the request doesn't make it to the master.  I can 
>>>>>>>>>> telnet into the ldap port on the master from the consumer.
>>>>>>>>>> I installed Fedora Directory Server from 
>>>>>>>>>> fedora-ds-1.0.2-1.FC4.i386.opt.rpm on all machines.  All 
>>>>>>>>>> three machines are Intel/CentOS 4.3.
>>>>>>>>>> -James
>>>>>>>>>> In the consumer's access log:
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:34 -0500] conn=1 op=8 SRCH 
>>>>>>>>>> base="uid=jhines,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com" scope=0 
>>>>>>>>>> filter="(|(objectClass=*)(objectClass=ldapsubentry))" 
>>>>>>>>>> attrs="nsRole nsRoleDN objectClass nsAccountLock"
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:34 -0500] conn=1 op=8 RESULT err=0 tag=101 
>>>>>>>>>> nentries=1 etime=0
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:34 -0500] conn=1 op=9 SRCH base="" scope=0 
>>>>>>>>>> filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs="nsslapd-suffix nsBackendSuffix"
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:34 -0500] conn=1 op=9 RESULT err=0 tag=101 
>>>>>>>>>> nentries=1 etime=0
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:34 -0500] conn=0 op=14 SRCH base="cn=ldbm 
>>>>>>>>>> database, cn=plugins, cn=config" scope=2 
>>>>>>>>>> filter="(objectClass=nsBackendInstance)" 
>>>>>>>>>> attrs="nsslapd-suffix nsBackendSuffix"
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:34 -0500] conn=0 op=14 RESULT err=0 
>>>>>>>>>> tag=101 nentries=2 etime=0
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:34 -0500] conn=0 op=15 SRCH base="" 
>>>>>>>>>> scope=0 filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs="nsBackendSuffix"
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:34 -0500] conn=0 op=15 RESULT err=0 
>>>>>>>>>> tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:34 -0500] conn=0 op=16 SRCH base="cn=MCC 
>>>>>>>>>> uid=jhines ou=people o=thgg dc=hg dc=com, cn=chainbe1, 
>>>>>>>>>> cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config" scope=0 
>>>>>>>>>> filter="(|(objectClass=*)(objectClass=ldapsubentry))" attrs="dn"
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:34 -0500] conn=0 op=16 RESULT err=32 
>>>>>>>>>> tag=101 nentries=0 etime=0
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:35 -0500] conn=1 op=10 SRCH 
>>>>>>>>>> base="uid=jhines,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com" scope=0 
>>>>>>>>>> filter="(|(objectClass=*)(objectClass=ldapsubentry))" 
>>>>>>>>>> attrs="numSubordinates nscpEntryDN subschemaSubentry 
>>>>>>>>>> nsYIMStatusGraphic modifiersName parentid nsICQStatusGraphic 
>>>>>>>>>> nsAIMStatusText passwordExpirationTime nsBackendSuffix 
>>>>>>>>>> hasSubordinates nsRole nsRoleDN accountUnlockTime 
>>>>>>>>>> passwordExpWarned nsYIMStatusText copiedFrom nsSizeLimit 
>>>>>>>>>> ldapSchemas nsAIMStatusGraphic dncomp nsTimeLimit 
>>>>>>>>>> passwordHistory retryCountResetTime passwordAllowChangeTime 
>>>>>>>>>> aci entryid nsIdleTimeout entrydn copyingFrom nsAccountLock 
>>>>>>>>>> nsds5ReplConflict modifyTimestamp passwordGraceUserTime 
>>>>>>>>>> passwordRetryCount nsUniqueId nsSchemaCSN creatorsName 
>>>>>>>>>> nsICQStatusText pwdpolicysubentry ldapSyntaxes 
>>>>>>>>>> createTimestamp nsLookThroughLimit *"
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:35 -0500] conn=1 op=10 RESULT err=0 
>>>>>>>>>> tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:35 -0500] conn=1 op=11 SRCH 
>>>>>>>>>> base="uid=jhines,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com" scope=0 
>>>>>>>>>> filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs="*"
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:35 -0500] conn=1 op=11 RESULT err=0 
>>>>>>>>>> tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:36 -0500] conn=1 op=12 SRCH 
>>>>>>>>>> base="uid=jhines,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com" scope=0 
>>>>>>>>>> filter="(|(objectClass=*)(objectClass=ldapsubentry))" attrs=ALL
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:36 -0500] conn=1 op=12 RESULT err=0 
>>>>>>>>>> tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:41 -0500] conn=1 op=14 MOD 
>>>>>>>>>> dn="uid=jhines,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com"
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:41 -0500] conn=1 op=14 RESULT err=0 
>>>>>>>>>> tag=103 nentries=0 etime=0
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:41 -0500] conn=0 op=18 SRCH 
>>>>>>>>>> base="uid=jhines,ou=people,o=thgg,dc=hg,dc=com" scope=0 
>>>>>>>>>> filter="(|(objectClass=*)(objectClass=ldapsubentry))" 
>>>>>>>>>> attrs="objectClass numSubordinates ref aci"
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:41 -0500] conn=0 op=18 SORT cn givenName o 
>>>>>>>>>> ou sn (1)
>>>>>>>>>> [01/Sep/2006:17:41:41 -0500] conn=0 op=18 RESULT err=0 
>>>>>>>>>> tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0 notes=U
>>>>>>>>> Weird.  It looks as though you added the entry to the local 
>>>>>>>>> server, and were able to search for it right away.  e.g. you 
>>>>>>>>> search for uid=jhines, and the server replies with err=0 and 
>>>>>>>>> nentries=1.  Can you try the same search from the ldapsearch 
>>>>>>>>> command line?
>>>>>>>>>> Richard Megginson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> James B Newby wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm having a problem with my consumer's chain on update.  I 
>>>>>>>>>>>> have a setup with two masters and one consumer.  
>>>>>>>>>>>> Multi-master replication is working properly.  Changes made 
>>>>>>>>>>>> on either master propagate to the other master and to the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> consumer.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Before setting up chaining, changes made on the consumer 
>>>>>>>>>>>> from the directory console would be denied.  After setting 
>>>>>>>>>>>> up chaining per the wiki entry:
>>>>>>>>>>>> ,
>>>>>>>>>>>> changes could be made on the consumer through the directory 
>>>>>>>>>>>> console, but would not propagate to the master.
>>>>>>>>>>> How are you testing/verifying the change doesn't get 
>>>>>>>>>>> through?  Note that if you make the change in the console, 
>>>>>>>>>>> the console will not automatically refresh.  I would first 
>>>>>>>>>>> check the access log on the consumer to find the ADD or MOD 
>>>>>>>>>>> request, then see if that request made it to a master, then 
>>>>>>>>>>> see if the master rejected it and why.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I saw an e-mail with a similar problem in the December 2005 
>>>>>>>>>>>> archive, but didn't see any info in the replies that would 
>>>>>>>>>>>> help me.  I've tried setting this up from scratch a couple 
>>>>>>>>>>>> times, but without success.  The responses to ILoveJython's 
>>>>>>>>>>>> email in December suggested that certain entries be pasted 
>>>>>>>>>>>> in, so I've included them below.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The following acl is included in dc=hg,dc=com:
>>>>>>>>>>>> (targetattr = "*")(version 3.0; acl "Proxied authorization 
>>>>>>>>>>>> for database links";allow (proxy) (userdn = 
>>>>>>>>>>>> "ldap:///cn=Replication Manager, cn=config");)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Since multi-master replication is set up, this entry is 
>>>>>>>>>>>> present on all three servers.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Any help would be appreciated!  Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>> -James
>>>>>>>>>>>> dn: cn="dc=hg,dc=com",cn=mapping tree, cn=config
>>>>>>>>>>>> objectClass: top
>>>>>>>>>>>> objectClass: extensibleObject
>>>>>>>>>>>> objectClass: nsMappingTree
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsslapd-state: backend
>>>>>>>>>>>> cn: "dc=hg,dc=com"
>>>>>>>>>>>> cn: dc=hg,dc=com
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsslapd-backend: userRoot
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsslapd-backend: chainbe1
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsslapd-referral: 
>>>>>>>>>>>> ldap://,dc=com
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsslapd-referral: 
>>>>>>>>>>>> ldap://,dc=com
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsslapd-distribution-plugin: 
>>>>>>>>>>>> /opt/fedora-ds/lib/
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsslapd-distribution-funct: repl_chain_on_update
>>>>>>>>>>>> dn: cn=replica,cn="dc=hg,dc=com",cn=mapping tree, cn=config
>>>>>>>>>>>> objectClass: nsDS5Replica
>>>>>>>>>>>> objectClass: top
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsDS5ReplicaRoot: dc=hg,dc=com
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsDS5ReplicaType: 2
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsDS5Flags: 0
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsds5ReplicaPurgeDelay: 604800
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsDS5ReplicaBindDN: cn=Replication Manager,cn=config
>>>>>>>>>>>> cn: replica
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsDS5ReplicaId: 65535
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsState:: //8AAIcx9kQAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAA=
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsDS5ReplicaName: ddc65803-1dd111b2-80e6a7e3-5afe0000
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsDS5ReplicaReferral: 
>>>>>>>>>>>> ldap://,dc=com
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsDS5ReplicaReferral: 
>>>>>>>>>>>> ldap://,dc=com
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsds5ReplicaChangeCount: 0
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsds5replicareapactive: 0
>>>>>>>>>>>> dn: cn=config,cn=chaining database,cn=plugins,cn=config
>>>>>>>>>>>> cn: config
>>>>>>>>>>>> objectClass: top
>>>>>>>>>>>> objectClass: extensibleObject
>>>>>>>>>>>> nstransmittedcontrols: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2
>>>>>>>>>>>> nstransmittedcontrols: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9
>>>>>>>>>>>> nstransmittedcontrols: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.473
>>>>>>>>>>>> nstransmittedcontrols:
>>>>>>>>>>>> nspossiblechainingcomponents: cn=resource 
>>>>>>>>>>>> limits,cn=components,cn=config
>>>>>>>>>>>> nspossiblechainingcomponents: cn=certificate-based 
>>>>>>>>>>>> authentication,cn=component
>>>>>>>>>>>> s,cn=config
>>>>>>>>>>>> nspossiblechainingcomponents: cn=ACL 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config
>>>>>>>>>>>> nspossiblechainingcomponents: cn=old 
>>>>>>>>>>>> plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config
>>>>>>>>>>>> nspossiblechainingcomponents: cn=referential integrity 
>>>>>>>>>>>> postoperation,cn=plugin
>>>>>>>>>>>> s,cn=config
>>>>>>>>>>>> nspossiblechainingcomponents: cn=attribute 
>>>>>>>>>>>> uniqueness,cn=plugins,cn=config
>>>>>>>>>>>> dn: cn=chainbe1, cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config
>>>>>>>>>>>> objectClass: top
>>>>>>>>>>>> objectClass: extensibleObject
>>>>>>>>>>>> objectClass: nsBackendInstance
>>>>>>>>>>>> cn: chainbe1
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsslapd-suffix: dc=hg,dc=com
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsfarmserverurl: ldap:// 
>>>>>>>>>>>> :1389/
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsmultiplexorbinddn: cn=Replication Manager, cn=config
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsmultiplexorcredentials: {DES}<PASSWORD ERASED>
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsbindconnectionslimit: 3
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsoperationconnectionslimit: 20
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsabandonedsearchcheckinterval: 1
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsconcurrentbindlimit: 10
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsconcurrentoperationslimit: 2
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsproxiedauthorization: on
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsconnectionlife: 0
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsbindtimeout: 15
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsreferralonscopedsearch: off
>>>>>>>>>>>> nschecklocalaci: on
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsbindretrylimit: 3
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsslapd-sizelimit: 2000
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsslapd-timelimit: 3600
>>>>>>>>>>>> nshoplimit: 10
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsmaxresponsedelay: 60
>>>>>>>>>>>> nsmaxtestresponsedelay: 15
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