AD + FDS sync stops working?

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To Ngan wrote:
> Dan Oglesby wrote:
>> I have two seperate installations of FDS 1.0.1 that were successfully 
>> configured to sync with two seperate AD controllers.  They both 
>> worked fine for about six months, and both have stopped synchronizing 
>> information that should pass from the AD to FDS.  Basically, if a 
>> user changes his or her password through AD, nothing changes on FDS.  
>> If the password is changed through FDS, it does get pushed up to the 
>> AD controller.
>> Has anyone else seen this happen?  There have been no changes made to 
>> either the FDS or AD configurations since the initial installation 
>> was completed. The AD servers are Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 on 
>> seperate domains.
>> I've tried to uninstall and reinstall the PassSync software.  Every 
>> time that service is restarted, I see a connect via SSL in the logs 
>> in FDS, but nothing after that.
> Was the connect via SSL successful?

It appears to be:

[29/Nov/2006:09:42:29 -0600] conn=146041 fd=203 slot=203 SSL connection 
from to
[29/Nov/2006:09:42:29 -0600] conn=146041 SSL 128-bit RC4
[29/Nov/2006:09:42:29 -0600] conn=146041 op=0 BIND dn="cn=directory 
manager" method=128 version=2
[29/Nov/2006:09:42:29 -0600] conn=146041 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 
nentries=0 etime=0 dn="cn=directory manager"
[29/Nov/2006:09:42:29 -0600] conn=146041 op=1 UNBIND
[29/Nov/2006:09:42:29 -0600] conn=146041 op=1 fd=203 closed - U1

That's all I ever see in the access log for the slapd server from my AD 


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