Hi, My server has a structure like: o=isp o=domain1,o=isp uid=user1,o=domain1,o=isp uid=user2,o=domain1,o=isp uid=user3,o=domain1,o=isp uid=user4,o=domain1,o=isp o=domain2,o=isp uid=user1,o=domain2,o=isp uid=user2,o=domain2,o=isp uid=user3,o=domain2,o=isp uid=user4,o=domain2,o=isp each domain has an attribute administrator (taken from phpQLAdmin, I am using ldap for qmail-ldap) which has full dn of a uid. For example say the administrator of o=domain1,o=isp is uid=user1,o=domain1,o=isp, and that of o=domain2,o=isp is uid=user1,o=domain2,o=isp Now when I bind as uid=user1,o=domain1,o=isp I must have full write permission for domain1 and all users under it, and if I bind as uid=user1,o=domain2,o=isp I must have write access to domain2 and so on. I am looking for a minimum aci that can do this, Preferably one that is applied at o=isp. I have played with aci and userattr, but seems it's not working. The one I tried is aci: (target="ldap:///o=*,o=isp";)(targetattr=*) (version 3.0;acl "manager-write"; allow (all) userattr = "administrator#USERDN";) I have taken this from the examples in docs, but this is not working as expected. Thanks for your help, regards, raj