Fedora DS 1.0.2 Multiple Master SSL replication: empty bind DN...

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Kevin McCarthy wrote:
> Dear List Members,
> Release: *fedora-ds-1.0.2-1.RHEL3.i386.opt.rpm*
> A typical replication error log entry now follows (seen repeatedly at 
> both fedora DS servers):
> [28/Jun/2006:18:29:21 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=EDS from 
> server 2" (ukstatlap:636): Unable to acquire replica: permission 
> denied. The *bind dn ""* does not have permission to supply 
> replication updates to the replica. Will retry later.
> Believe me, I have been investigating this one for 2 or 3 days now 
> (having just switched from OpenLDAP, since multiple master replication 
> is required) before sending this submission, just in case I missed a 
> configuration item or work-around, but unfortunately no luck (so far).
> The only reference I can find for SSL Client Authentication based 
> Multiple Master replication (2 Linux RHEL 3 servers being used) that 
> supplies empty DNs, is the Windows specific entry (whose work-around I 
> tried anyway, but without success)?
> Unable to acquire replica: permission denied. The bind dn "" does not 
> have permission to supply replication updates to the replica. Will 
> retry later.
> To workaround the problem, after you modify and save the replication 
> schedule of an agreement, refresh the console, reconfigure the 
> connection settings (to SSL client authentication) for the agreement, 
> and save your changes.
> http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/dir-server/release-notes/ds611relnotes.html
> The mutual ?Current Supplier DNs? are indeed set (cn=Replication 
> Manager,cn=replication,cn=config) and the corresponding directory 
> entries do exist.
> The respective server certificates and CA certificates are installed, 
> with Subject DN entries loaded.
What are the SubjectDNs in the server certificates?
> I do _not_ have Legacy Consumer enabled.
You don't need it.
> CertMapping is also defined (though with a NULL DN being supplied, I 
> guess that will not be kicking in just yet, though there are entries 
> for the exact subject DN anyway.)
You might want to post your certmap.conf and see here - 
> When using simple authentication, with or without SSL, all is well 
> (although replication did require both servers to Initialize the 
> Consumer, I thought that only one was required e.g. ID 1 initializing 
> ID 2, but ID 2 then needed to initialize ID 1 before successful 2-way 
> replication was achieved).
That's odd. You should only need to initialize once one way.
> Any suggestions will be _most_ gratefully received!
> Regards,
> Kevin
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