Hi, all. Trying to setup replication over SSL, without certificates. In the UI, I said "Simple Authentication.", gave it the bind dn & password. (The name/pass pair work fine if non-SSL replication is used.) Anyway, in the consumer log, I see this: [18/Jan/2006:11:50:56 -0500] conn=66 fd=72 slot=72 SSL connection from to [18/Jan/2006:11:50:56 -0500] conn=66 op=-1 fd=72 closed - SSL peer cannot verify your certificate. What's the deal? Why is it trying to verify certs??? on the supplier, I see this: [18/Jan/2006:11:44:47 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=main" (cnjldap01:636): Simple bind failed, LDAP sdk error 81 (Can't contact LDAP server), Netscape Portable Runtime error -8054 (unknown) How come it failed?? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com