Has anybody gotten the orgchart application running on Fedora Core 2? I get this: perl: error while loading shared libraries: /opt/fedora-ds/bin/admin/lib/libldap50.so: undefined symbol: pthread_key_create I'm able to get it to run on FC3, but I don't have a pristine version of FC2 and I can't tell if it's because I fiddled with the Perl installation. Trying to build Mozilla::LDAP gets me this from the build directory: $ perl -Ilib -Iblib/lib -Iblib/arch t/entry.pl perl: error while loading shared libraries: blib/arch/auto/Mozilla/LDAP/API/API.so: undefined symbol: ldap_set_option -- Kevin M. Goess (415) 277-2079 Ensenda, Inc.