Del <del <at>> writes: > > Scott Boggs wrote: > > I am curious; I understand that LDAP does not enforce case sensitivity for > > user names or passwords. > > However, I am wondering if there is a method to enforce such a policy on > > fedora-ds? I noticed the behavior earlier this week and it reminded me this > > behavior in LDAP. I am using a older version of fds, any chance the newer > > version addresses this? > > I would strongly recommend against doing this for user names (actually > passwords are case sensitive). It's impossible to make user names in > email addresses case sensitive (it breaks various RFCs) so there is no > reason to make user names at the system end, where any possible MTA/MDA > might live, case sensitive. > I understand the reasons behind the case-sensitivity enforcement. However, I need to find a method to enforce case with the usernames. There will be no email interaction involved. Any suggestions? Thanks