My boss forced me to rename the server hostname (I KNOW this is a stupid idea, but ...) and now I have the following situation: lanldap4:/opt/fedora-ds# ./start-admin lanldap4:/opt/fedora-ds# tail admin-serv/logs/error [Wed Feb 15 14:53:42 2006] [crit] mod_admserv_post_config(): unable to build user/group LDAP server info: unable to set User/Group baseDN Configuration Failed The admin server is not running and I cannot connect with startconsole. I suppose I have to change some configs (in /opt/fedora-ds/admin-serv/config ?) but which ones? -- -- Ullrich Horlacher --------------------- mailto:framstag at -- BelWue Coordination phone: +49 711 685 5872 University of Stuttgart fax: +49 711 678 8363 -- Allmandring 3A, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany -- --