Importing private key into certificate store

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Or since you have 2 PEM files, you can use openssl to convert it into 
PKCS#12 file:

% openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.pem -inkey key.pem -out cert.p12 -name 
\"Server-Cert\" -passout pass:foo

You can then import that into your database with something like:

% pk12util -i cert.p12 -d <server-root>/alias -P slapd-YOURHOST- -W foo

Replace <server-root> with the path to your DS install, probably 
/opt/fedora-ds. Check the alias directory to see what the value of 
YOURHOST should be. Note that the trailing dash is important.


Rich Megginson wrote:
> You need to get your CA to export your key/cert data in pkcs12 (.p12) 
> format, then use the FDS pk12util to import both the key and cert.
> Kevin M. Myer wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to use an external application to handle my certificate 
>> request
>> (I'm using self-signed certificates - essentially my CA application would
>> generate the request and then sign it, instead of using any of the FDS
>> components to generate the request).  This process works fine, except 
>> that
>> there doesn't appear to be an easy way to get the private key for the
>> certificate into the certificate store.  Obviously, if you use the 
>> certificate
>> wizard or certutil to generate the request, the key ends up in the 
>> store.  But
>> if you don't, is there a way to import a key, so that importing a 
>> certificate
>> will work?  Currently it balks about importing a signed certificate 
>> because the
>> private key is missing.  I tried combining key and certificate into 
>> one file
>> (PEM format) but that didn't help.
>> Kevin
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