--- "Tay, Gary" <Gary_Tay at platts.com> wrote: > Please re-install with your choice of baseDN, be it dc=composers,dc=foo,dc=com or > dc=foo,dc=com. I reinstalled it -- it works a lot better now! bash-2.03# ldaplist -l ldaplist: Object not found (LDAP ERROR (50): Insufficient access.) bash-2.03# id testdba uid=10001(testdba) gid=7000 bash-2.03# ldaplist -l passwd testdba dn: uid=testdba,ou=People, dc=composers,dc=foo,dc=com givenName: oracle sn: user loginShell: /bin/bash uidNumber: 10001 gidNumber: 7000 objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: inetorgperson objectClass: posixAccount uid: testdba cn: oracle user homeDirectory: /home/testdba bash-2.03# getent passwd testdba testdba::10001:7000::/home/testdba:/bin/bash I don't know why ldaplist doesn't work. Could it be because I didn't setup pam.conf yet? Is it important to have ldaplist working? I did add the aci, didn't do anything. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com