Chris Curran wrote: > I have a LDAP server setup in my Tbird Address Book. To test the > connection, in Tbird addr book I choose the 'Offline' tab then > 'Download Now'. It asks me for a username and password - I enter them > and at that point I'm back where I began in Tbird. I check the log > files in FDS (access) and there are a number of entries - all those > beginning with "RESULT" have "err=0". Therefore, I conclude that I am > logging into FDS without error. This just means there was no error when it did what you asked it for. It doesn't necessarily mean you (i.e. tbird) asked it for the right thing. :) If you grep the access log on conn=#, where # is the connection # from thunderbird, you'll see a number of things: 1. What thunderbird connected as - either a dn, or "" (i.e. anonymous). 2. What basedn it is searching on - this needs to match something that is in your directory. 3. The search filter you used - this needs to match some data in your directory. 4. The number of results that matched the search - if this is 0, and err is also 0, it means you did a valid search, but didn't match anything in the directory. 5. The error result - err=0 just means the search you did was "valid", though it might not be what you want. Note also that there are multiple operations within one session, each of which can have an error. The following is a sample output of the logs from thunderbird for a typical online search: =========================================================== The initial connection: [03/Aug/2005:11:04:42 -0400] conn=28 fd=71 slot=71 connection from to The bind - in this case, I have tbird binding as anonymous. err=0 means the bind was successful [03/Aug/2005:11:04:42 -0400] conn=28 op=0 BIND dn="" method=128 version=3 [03/Aug/2005:11:04:42 -0400] conn=28 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0 dn="" The search. In this cases, my directory server's base dn is o=isp. Thunderbird searches for all entries that contain what you typed in mail, cn, givenname, or sn. The access log also shows the list of attributes tbird is asking the directory to return. Includes a number of custom tbird attributes (which you'd have to extend your schema to support) as well as a number of standard attributes, such as mail, cn, sn, givenname, telephonenumber, etc). err=0, so the search was successful, but nentries also equals 0, meaning that I had no matching data in my server (which is true - I haven't put anything in this server I pointed at yet). [03/Aug/2005:11:05:06 -0400] conn=28 op=1 SRCH base="o=isp" scope=2 filter="(|(mail=*jeff*)(cn=*jeff*)(givenName=*jeff*)(sn=*jeff*))" attrs="modifyTimestamp xmozillausehtmlmail description notes custom4 custom3 custom2 custom1 birthyear homeurl workurl nscpaimscreenname c company o departmentNumber department orgunit ou title c zip postalCode region st l l street postOfficeBox carphone cellphone mobile pagerphone pager facsimileTelephoneNumber facsimileTelephoneNumber homePhone telephoneNumber xmozillasecondemail mail xmozillanickname displayName cn cn sn sn givenName" [03/Aug/2005:11:05:06 -0400] conn=28 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=0 etime=0 Note that this showed 3 operations, of which any could contain an error. Also, note that thunderbird has the option to add a custom filter (on the advanced tab), so you can limit searches to, say, objectclass=person (default is objectclass=*, which is all entries in the directory). One thing that's different - you said you are downloading for offline use. I added a test user, and did what you did - clicked on properties, offline, then download now. It asks for a username and password, and here's what the logs show: ============================================================================== Initial connection: [03/Aug/2005:11:20:22 -0400] conn=51 fd=77 slot=77 connection from to Binds as anonymous ('cause I didn't enter a DN to bind as): [03/Aug/2005:11:20:22 -0400] conn=51 op=0 BIND dn="" method=128 version=3 [03/Aug/2005:11:20:22 -0400] conn=51 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0 dn="" Searches for the "username" I entered. Looking at the logs, thunderbird looks at the mail attrbute to match username to an entry. So - the "username" you have to enter is the email address of whoever you want to log in as. Once I did that, it worked (err=0, and nentries=1, which means it found my entry). [03/Aug/2005:11:20:33 -0400] conn=51 op=1 SRCH base="o=isp" scope=2 filter="(mail=jclowser at" attrs="cn"[03/Aug/2005:11:20:33 -0400] conn=51 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0 Once it finds my entry, it unbinds and closes the connection: [03/Aug/2005:11:20:34 -0400] conn=51 op=2 UNBIND [03/Aug/2005:11:20:34 -0400] conn=51 op=2 fd=77 closed - U1 Opens a new connection: [03/Aug/2005:11:20:34 -0400] conn=52 fd=79 slot=79 connection from to Binds as the DN of my entry (what it found above). err=0, so it binds successfully with my password: [03/Aug/2005:11:20:34 -0400] conn=52 op=0 BIND dn="uid=jclowser,o=isp" method=128 version=3 [03/Aug/2005:11:20:34 -0400] conn=52 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0 dn="uid=jclowser,o=isp" The following is interesting, and maybe meaningless against FDS (I guess it's looking for some kinda of changelog indicator, so it only dl's new stuff)? FDS provides the dataversion, but not the others, and adding users doesn't seem to change dataversion, so not sure if this is meaningful against FDS (and it's probably just for efficiency anyway, so nothing critical): [03/Aug/2005:11:20:34 -0400] conn=52 op=1 SRCH base="" scope=0 filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs="changeLog firstchangenumber lastchangenumber dataversion" [03/Aug/2005:11:20:34 -0400] conn=52 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0 Next, searches the directory for all the entries. In my case, this is successful and returns 4 entries, [03/Aug/2005:11:32:10 -0400] conn=52 op=2 SRCH base="o=isp" scope=2 filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs=ALL [03/Aug/2005:11:32:10 -0400] conn=52 op=2 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=4 etime=0 My guess is that thunderbird will search against the live directory if you are online, or against what was downloaded if you are offline. Note that if your directory has a lot of users, you may very well hit the sizelimit, and not get the entire directory. You probably want to add nsSizeLimit to any users that do this, and set it to -1 (or at least to the number of users in your directory), and further set the objectclass to something other than objectclass=* in mozilla (say, "objectclass=person", or "(|(objectclass=person)(objectclass=mailgroup)), or "(mail=*)" or something appropriate to your data) for efficiency. - Jeff